Server stopped working, inodes full

I think Piwik is a wonderful tool and I love it! I expect a lot of the ongoing development, please keep going on :wink: Nevertheless, the handling of Piwik and PHPMyvisites requires a lot of my servercapacity and I have some serious problems.

A few days ago, my Virtual Dedicated Server stopt working, because the ā€œinodesā€ were full. It seemed that there were more than 2 million files in the map /piwik/tmp/cache/tracker/ and the server could not handle this any longerā€¦ I temporarily removed all files, but of course this is not a final solution. Why is Piwik putting those files in that map and why are they not removed after a while?

Maybe the problem is solved in the latest versions of Piwik, but I couldā€™nt find anything about it. I use version 0.5.4

I use Piwik in a high traffic-situation, with more than 80 websites and a database of more than 400 Mb. On the same server I use the latest version of PHPMyvisites and every website has two trackcodes (One af Piwik and one of PHPMyvisites). When Piwik is stable enought and has the posibility of making PDF-reports, I say goodby to good old PHPMyvisitesā€¦

In the meantime my server has a very tough time and has crashed several times because of to many queries on the MySQL-database. By raising the servermemory to 2 Gb. we keep him up and running.I have to, because I canā€™t miss my statistics.

Does anyone has a solution for the millions of files in /piwik/tmp/cache/tracker/ ?

Fix the web server userā€™s umask. This will allow Piwik to rename the tmp file (in tmp/cache/tracker) to its final name. This will also reduce the load on the MySQL server once Piwik is able to read from the cache.