Separate goals statistics for new and returning visitors

We use goals for registrations but now we have many returning visitors so conversion rates are affected quite largely by those, who dont register but just log in. It would make the goals much more usable if we would be able to have separate list for new and returning visitors.

What do you mean exactly? what do you suggest, can you make a screenshot ?

Goals conversion statistics are for all website visitors.

But some visitors are new visitors and some visitors are returning visitors.
So we would like to have ability to filter and only show for example new visitors in goals statistics, because returning visitors never hit some goals so they just worsen our conversion rate and make it less usable.

You can see on attached screenshot:
Returning visitors conversion rate is 0%, New visitors conversion rate is 6.2%
And that is all the information which is separated for returning vs new.
All graphs, tables statistics etc are for both returning and new.

So we would like to have:

  • in “metrics to plow” a radio button: all visitors, new visitors, returning visitors.
  • in Goal conversion by type of visit a radio button: all visitors, new visitors, returning visitors. (shown on attached screenshot)

Maybe this would help :slight_smile: