Hi folks,
First post
Curious to see and read about other folks scaling and upgrading progression for server hardware requirements to serve Piwik as your instance(s) grow
Anyone got any stories regarding what type of server hardware/hosting you started off with for hosting Piwik to begin with and how your server hardware and hosting requirements have changed as your Piwik instance(s) have grown ?
I plan to setup a Piwik instance using my Centmin Mod LEMP web stack which installs Nginx, PHP-FPM and MariaDB MySQL server on CentOS (along with Memcached server + memcache/memcached PHP extensions).
I plan to use Nginx with GeoIP module support and PHP with GeoIP Extension support as well. Most likely will be using Nginx 1.7.7, PHP-FPM 5.6.2 + Zend OpCache and MariaDB 10.0.14 MySQL with Memcached 1.4.21 server with the following hardware
KVM VPS server
CentOS 6.6
4 cpu threads
1GB memory
80GB SSD Cache backed HDD
From what I read so far:
- MySQL disk usage would be roughly 1GB per 5 million pageviews
- CPU usage minimum 2 cpu threads/cores required ?
- As you grow PHP memory_limit would need raising by default Centmin Mod sets it to 256MB
How hard is to it migrate Piwik installed instances when upgrading or moving servers ? And how does that affect sites which are loading the Piwik’s instance tracking code and js files ?