Hey guys,
i use piwik to track user access on my website. I’m specially intererested in returning visitors, so i export the user-logs as csv to excel.
Now i’m wondering about some special cases, where this function doesn’t seem to work. In most of the cases, piwik recognizes a returning visitor (i think using the visitorId and some other things, like i can read it in the FAQ), but there are some entries like this one:
idVisit visitIp visitorId visitorType actions serverTimePretty
764 | xx.154.222.237 | e46f26401525c6c3 | new | 3 | 13:52:35
772 | xx.225.183.250 | e46f26401525c6c3 | new | 3 | 13:53:13
780 | xx.225.37.71 | e46f26401525c6c3 | new | 2 | 13:53:58
784 | yyy.25.90.65 | e46f26401525c6c3 | new | 3 | 13:54:04
Furthermore each visit uses the same browser, OS, resolution, plugins, etc. It looks pretty like the visitor used some kind of TOR or a similar product to route his packages over different proxies. But the fact is, that piwik doesn’t seem to recognize, that every “visit” is done with the same visitorId?
Kindly regards