Returning events from API

Hi all,

Very new to Piwik, it is pretty awesome. I am trying to use it to track how users interact with my shiny app (a web framework in R, and have a basic question. (cross post from Stack overflow r - Issue capturing non-numeric fields using piwik for Shiny - Stack Overflow)

How do I return all the events that are displayed on the detailed visitor page, in the per visit tab using the API?

Using the code below I am able to track when a user changes the input_name, but the dashboard only display a numeric value and not a string.

 $(document).on('shiny:inputchanged', function(event) {
 if ( === 'input_name') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'input',
           'updates',, event.value]);

Specifically, if the value of input_name is 1 the following will be in the visitor panel:

input - updates -input_name [1]
if the value of input_name is “string” the following will be in the visitor panel:

input - updates -input_name

Is it possible to return all the values back from the API

