Return all Events and meta data with Reporting API

How can I get a list of all Events in our site? Trying the following query but only getting event action or category titles with count data. I’d like to see each event, the category, action, custom dimension data, etc.

GET ‘https://piwik2.util.corp.***.com/analytics/index.php?module=API&method=Events.getAction&secondayDimension=getCategory&idSite=2&date=today&period=day&format=csv&token_auth=‘XXX’’

Can anyone provide guidance here?

Following up again? Would love some guidance :slight_smile:

Hi there,
thanks for the update (to be honest, it really helps).
So you would like to have like:
1 Download;click;file1.pdf
2 Download;click;filexyz.pdf
3 Video;click;0001.avi

am I right?

shouldn’t it be?

Thank you for the reply! Actually this is still giving me summary data for each event action rather than the events themselves. I would like to see a table with columns: event_id, event_action, event_category, timestamp, action_custom_dimension_1.

Is this possible?

Well I would say that everything is almost possible with Piwik, I never tried by maybe from the visitor log reports(as it export everything) you could do something like (segment contain at least a value for events) then show the columns events and custom dimension.
Did you try it this way?