Retrieve the current visitor-id?


I need (in PHP) to retrieve the ID Visitor of my visitors.

In the past version, I was able to find it easily by browsing the cookie but since I’ve updated Piwik, this is different…

[_pk_ses_107_640a] => *
[_pk_id_107_640a] => 73d141031e5f1816.1353673423.1.1353673423.1353673423.

How can you retrieve my ID-Visit using my cookie ? Is there a way to do it ?

I browsed the website and forums but I can’t really find what I was looking for…


It is the first 16 chars until the first dot . character

Hmm ok I understand, now there is a id-visitor AND an id-visit.

Is there a way to retrieve the id-visit ?


You can with the real time Live API : Real Time Analytics - Analytics Platform - Matomo