Removing "All Visits" segment in IFrame

Hi there, I have a simple question that I was hoping to get answers to. We are trying to provide statistics to our major enterprise subscribers and want to provide pages within our company portals to allow them to view their specific company statistics. However, we don’t want these specific enterprise subscribers to be able to view all visits, which would be all of our subscribers combined. I think the attached image describes the problem well, in case my question is not clear. I am able to add a custom variable on the IFrame link to show the specific segment by default, but it doesn’t restrict the enterprise user from selected “all visits.” Thanks in advance for your help.


My suggestion:

Don’t combine your customer’s data into the same site. Along with every new customer create a new Matomo site and track analytics accordingly. This allows you to widgetize the dashboard by idSite and also gets around the compliance issues with co-habitating customer data like that.

Without site-level separation you’ll always run the risk of one customer seeing another’s data.

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