Record individual IPs

Hey guys,

I want to start in a similar vein and say just how wonderful Piwik is; you’ve all done a fantastic job in building this analytics software, and it’s just splendid.

That said, I was wondering if there were any plugins or functionality pieces I was missing to record individual IP addresses. The location information, i.e. zip code, not just city like GeoIP gives, is central to my company’s ability to construct a profile of people accessing the website to take to advertisers.

Any suggestions or ideas?

All the best,

IP addresses are stored in the database. If you’re satisified with the limited accuracy/reliability of IP to zip code geolocation, you can use MySQL queries to access the IP addresses. For example:

SELECT DISTINCT inet_ntoa(location_ip) INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/ip.txt' FROM piwik_log_visit;