I have often had difficulty locating files related to particular outputs, naming conventions are not spelled out anywhere I could find. Could you explain the different directories, and the files included.
For example:
Piwik standard classes are always prefixed by Piwik_ and can be found in /****
Zend classes are found within /libs
Also it would be super nice to have documentation on the load process as well as a map of some of the standard process script inclusions.
For example.
Process Tree For: Index.php
/core/Loader.php -> Defines the autoload, piwik, zend, and class handling functions -> More information
[Anything called by loader]
and so on…
For my use, I am specifically interested in developing an interlink between “seo panel” and piwik. More specifically , I would like to modify the functions that create/relate users to their websites.