Provider Plugin shows errors and cannot be uninstalled

Dear Matomo!

Funny errors are reported. When deactivating the plugin, there is no uninstall option. Manually deleting the directory /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider makes the error only longer. Re-installing also does not help. Please help me get a clean system. + a clean way to remove the provider plugin Thanks


Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.
→ Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode. ←

Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/bs.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/dv.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/ga.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/gu.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/he.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/hr.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/hy.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/ku.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/lb.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/nn.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/te.json
File size mismatch: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/tr.json (expected length: 719, found: 718)
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/tzm.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/ur.json
File size mismatch: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/Provider.php (expected length: 3479, found: 4328)
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/screenshots/Report.png


This might be the same as

Sure, thanks; but how can we uninstall it and make the error go away?


Still waiting for an answer…

We hereby confirm that the invalid provider error and missing uninstall option matters have been successfully corrected with version 4.6.0. Thanks.

Sorry, speaking too soon.
After uninstalling the plugin, the annoying errors showed up again. Even after re-installing, re-activating, and de-activating:

Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.
→ Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode. ←

Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/bs.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/dv.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/ga.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/gu.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/he.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/hr.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/hy.json
File size mismatch: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/ja.json (expected length: 769, found: 765)
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/ku.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/lb.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/nn.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/te.json
File size mismatch: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/tr.json (expected length: 719, found: 718)
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/tzm.json
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/lang/ur.json
File size mismatch: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/Provider.php (expected length: 3479, found: 4328)
Missing file: /usr/share/matomo/plugins/Provider/screenshots/Report.png

Thank you for reporting the issue! there was an issue in our release process, and It should be fixed in Matomo 4.6.1 which will be released in the next 30min. Appreciate your report!

Hi Matthieu,

You’re welcome. Could you now please also remove that warning with the force_ssl, since we are behind several proxy servers and caching servers…and log importing does not make sense that way anyhow.
E.g. if “assume_secure_protocol = 1” is set in the config, disable that warning, or a new variable “disable_force_ssl_warning = 1”.