I run for the first time the auto-archive script via the command :
/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/piwik/misc/cron/archive.php --url=http://w3stat.unil.ch/pi
wik/ > /home/cmoullet/log/archive.out 2>&1
At the end of the output I have the following error message for the scheduled task :
INFO [2014-02-20 15:49:27] [31b48] SCHEDULED TASKS
INFO [2014-02-20 15:49:27] [31b48] Starting Scheduled tasks…
DEBUG Piwik\CliMulti[2014-02-20 15:49:27] [31b48] /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/html/piwik/console climulti:request --piwik-domain=‘w3stat.unil.ch’ ‘module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.runScheduledTasks&format=csv&convertToUnicode=0&token_auth=5589d5f10a4f0a62cbbed9c93751d800&trigger=archivephp&pid=058484aef317a4283a932a104be59c6a8eb91c99c76dad09f0ed19ade8fb7985b33f3522eb131cb6a6c9540772f821f1b5ae0’ > /var/www/html/piwik/tmp/climulti/058484aef317a4283a932a104be59c6a8eb91c99c76dad09f0ed19ade8fb7985b33f3522eb131cb6a6c9540772f821f1b5ae0.output 2>&1 &
INFO [2014-02-20 15:49:27] [31b48] Error: GeoIPAutoUpdater: failed to download ’ http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz’ to ‘/var/www/html/piwik/misc/GeoIPCity.dat.dat.gz’: curl_exec: Protocol http not supported or disabled in libcurl
GeoIPAutoUpdater.update,ERROR: GeoIPAutoUpdater: failed to download ’ http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz’ to ‘/var/www/html/piwik/misc/GeoIPCity.dat.dat.gz’: curl_exec: Protocol http not supported or disabled in libcurl
I do not understand since I checked ( see joined image) that the http protocol is enabled in my php libcurl
Furthermore, why does it try to save the geoIP data as “/var/www/html/piwik/misc/GeoIPCity.dat.dat.gz” with doubled dat ??
I already read this link. and both conditions ( see my attached image) are fullfilled ie http mentioned both in registered PHP streams and protocols supported in curl !!!
works perfectly … So I think there is no problem with my installation but rather in the archive.php script or subscript responsible for the automatic upload of geoIP (GeoIPAutoUpdater). I could not find the error…
Another strange thing is that it renames the files as GeoIPCity.dat.dat.gz and not GeoIPCity.dat.gz as you can see in the error log below. For sure there is a mistake in the script…