Possibility to change sequence of websites

feature request: poss. to manually arrange sequence of the websites (up/down function, or better even, add an item number to each website and then order by it

This would be awesome! I second this!

I can’t envision this being implemented without a use case (where, why, …).

Are we talking about MultiSites plugin (All Websites link)?

If yes, this bugged me for quite a while too… I did this little customization to add rows per page and sorting by website ID instead of name (the latter really doesn’t make much sense for my case).

And since I can’t attach .zip file, here’s the patch:

diff -c2rB MultiSites_ori//Controller.php MultiSites/Controller.php
*** MultiSites_ori//Controller.php	2010-12-23 04:29:56.000000000 +0800
--- MultiSites/Controller.php	2011-01-04 18:52:19.982000000 +0800
*** 17,21 ****
  class Piwik_MultiSites_Controller extends Piwik_Controller
! 	protected $orderBy = 'names';
  	protected $order = 'desc';
  	protected $evolutionBy = 'visits';
--- 17,21 ----
  class Piwik_MultiSites_Controller extends Piwik_Controller
! 	protected $orderBy = 'idsite';
  	protected $order = 'desc';
  	protected $evolutionBy = 'visits';
*** 50,54 ****
  		$ids = 'all';
! 		$this->period = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day');		
  		$lastDate =  date('Y-m-d',strtotime("-1 ".$this->period, strtotime($this->strDate)));
--- 50,54 ----
  		$ids = 'all';
! 		$this->period = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day');
  		$lastDate =  date('Y-m-d',strtotime("-1 ".$this->period, strtotime($this->strDate)));
*** 100,104 ****
  		$view->date = $this->strDate;
  		$view->page = $this->page;
! 		$view->limit = $this->limit;
  		$view->orderBy = $this->orderBy;
  		$view->order = $this->order;
--- 100,104 ----
  		$view->date = $this->strDate;
  		$view->page = $this->page;
! 		$view->limit = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('limit', $this->limit);
  		$view->orderBy = $this->orderBy;
  		$view->order = $this->order;
Only in MultiSites_ori/: MultiSites.php
Only in MultiSites_ori/: images
diff -c2rB MultiSites_ori//templates/common.js MultiSites/templates/common.js
*** MultiSites_ori//templates/common.js	2010-12-18 02:44:49.000000000 +0800
--- MultiSites/templates/common.js	2011-01-04 19:13:22.593000000 +0800
*** 66,70 ****
  function orderBy(allSites, params)
! 	if(params['mOrderBy'] == 'names')
  		allSites.sort(function(a,b) {
--- 66,72 ----
  function orderBy(allSites, params)
!     var orderTarget = params['mOrderBy'];
! 	if(orderTarget == 'names')
  		allSites.sort(function(a,b) {
*** 76,133 ****
! 	else if(params['mOrderBy'] == 'visits')
! 	{
! 		allSites.sort(function(a,b) {
! 			if (a['visits'] == b['visits']) {
! 				return 0;
! 			}
! 			return (a['visits'] < b['visits']) ? -1 : 1;
! 		});
! 	}
! 	else if(params['mOrderBy'] == 'actions')
! 	{
! 		allSites.sort(function (a,b) {
! 			if (a['actions'] == b['actions']) {
! 				return 0;
! 			}
! 			return (a['actions'] < b['actions']) ? -1 : 1;
! 		});
! 	}
! 	else if(params['mOrderBy'] == 'unique')
! 	{
! 		allSites.sort(function (a,b) {
! 			if (a['unique'] == b['unique']) {
! 				return 0;
! 			}
! 			return (a['unique'] < b['unique']) ? -1 : 1;
! 		});
! 	}
! 	else if(params['mOrderBy'] == 'uniqueSummary')
! 	{
! 		allSites.sort(function (a,b) {
! 			if (a['uniqueSummaryValue'] == b['uniqueSummaryValue']) {
! 				return 0;
! 			}
! 			return (a['uniqueSummaryValue'] - b['uniqueSummaryValue'] <= 0.01) ? -1 : 1;
! 		});
! 	}
! 	else if(params['mOrderBy'] == 'actionsSummary')
! 	{
! 		allSites.sort(function (a,b) {
! 			if (a['actionsSummaryValue'] == b['actionsSummaryValue']) {
! 				return 0;
! 			}
! 			return (a['actionsSummaryValue'] - b['actionsSummaryValue'] <= 0.01) ? -1 : 1;
! 		});
! 	}
! 	else if(params['mOrderBy'] == 'visitsSummary')
! 	{
! 		allSites.sort(function (a,b) {
! 			if (a['visitsSummaryValue'] == b['visitsSummaryValue']) {
! 				return 0;
! 			}
! 			return (a['visitsSummaryValue'] - b['visitsSummaryValue'] <= 0.01) ? -1 : 1;
! 		});
! 	}
  	if(params['order'] == 'asc')
--- 78,114 ----
!     else if(orderTarget == 'uniqueSummary')
!     {
!         allSites.sort(function (a,b) {
!             if (a['uniqueSummaryValue'] == b['uniqueSummaryValue']) {
!                 return 0;
!             }
!             return (a['uniqueSummaryValue'] - b['uniqueSummaryValue'] <= 0.01) ? -1 : 1;
!         });
!     }
!     else if(orderTarget == 'actionsSummary')
!     {
!         allSites.sort(function (a,b) {
!             if (a['actionsSummaryValue'] == b['actionsSummaryValue']) {
!                 return 0;
!             }
!             return (a['actionsSummaryValue'] - b['actionsSummaryValue'] <= 0.01) ? -1 : 1;
!         });
!     }
!     else if(orderTarget == 'visitsSummary')
!     {
!         allSites.sort(function (a,b) {
!             if (a['visitsSummaryValue'] == b['visitsSummaryValue']) {
!                 return 0;
!             }
!             return (a['visitsSummaryValue'] - b['visitsSummaryValue'] <= 0.01) ? -1 : 1;
!         });
!     }
!     else
!     {
!         allSites.sort(function(a,b) {
!             return a[orderTarget]-b[orderTarget];
!         });
!     }
  	if(params['order'] == 'asc')
*** 176,182 ****
  		str = str.replace(/%period%/g, params['period']);
! 		$('#tb').append('<tr class="tables_row" id="row_'+ allSites[i].idsite+'">' + str + '</tr>');
--- 157,163 ----
  		str = str.replace(/%period%/g, params['period']);
! 		$('#tb').append('<tr class="tables_row" id="row_'+ allSites[i].idsite+'">' + str + '</tr>')
diff -c2rB MultiSites_ori//templates/index.tpl MultiSites/templates/index.tpl
*** MultiSites_ori//templates/index.tpl	2011-01-03 13:49:45.000000000 +0800
--- MultiSites/templates/index.tpl	2011-01-04 19:22:22.900000000 +0800
*** 38,45 ****
  <table id="mt" class="dataTable" cellspacing="0">
! 		<th id="names" class="label" onClick="params = setOrderBy(this,allSites, params, 'names');">
! 			<span>{'General_Website'|translate}</span>
! 			<span class="arrow multisites_desc"></span>
! 		</th>
  		<th id="visits" class="multisites-column" style="width: 100px" onClick="params = setOrderBy(this,allSites, params, 'visits');">
--- 38,49 ----
  <table id="mt" class="dataTable" cellspacing="0">
!         <th id="idsite" class="" onClick="params = setOrderBy(this,allSites, params, 'idsite');">
!             <span>ID</span>
!             <span class="arrow"></span>
!         </th>
!         <th id="names" class="labelmultisites-column" onClick="params = setOrderBy(this,allSites, params, 'names');">
!             <span>{'General_Website'|translate}</span>
!             <span class="arrow multisites_desc"></span>
!         </th>
  		<th id="visits" class="multisites-column" style="width: 100px" onClick="params = setOrderBy(this,allSites, params, 'visits');">
*** 69,72 ****
--- 73,89 ----
+     <tr class="tables_row">
+         <td colspan="5" class="clean"></td>
+         <td colspan="2" class="clean">
+             <span>Items per page: </span>
+             <select class="selector" id="rowsPerPage" onchange="params['limit'] = $('#rowsPerPage').val(); prepareRows(allSites, params);">
+                 <option value="10" {if $limit eq '10'} selected {/if}>10</option>
+                 <option value="20" {if $limit eq '20'} selected {/if}>20</option>
+                 <option value="30" {if $limit eq '30'} selected {/if}>30</option>
+                 <option value="50" {if $limit eq '50'} selected {/if}>50</option>
+                 <option value="100" {if $limit eq '100'} selected {/if}>100</option>
+             </select>
+         </td>
+     </tr>
  	<tr row_id="last" >
  		<td colspan="8" class="clean" style="padding: 20px">
diff -c2rB MultiSites_ori//templates/row.tpl MultiSites/templates/row.tpl
*** MultiSites_ori//templates/row.tpl	2010-09-06 03:03:28.000000000 +0800
--- MultiSites/templates/row.tpl	2011-01-04 18:49:08.719000000 +0800
*** 1,7 ****
  <td class="multisites-label label" >
      <a title="View reports" href="index.php?module=CoreHome&action=index&date=%date%&period=%period%&idSite=%idsite%">%name%</a>
      <span style="width: 10px; margin-left:3px"> 
! 	<a target="_blank" title="{'General_GoTo'|translate:"%main_url%"}" href="%main_url%"><img src="plugins/MultiSites/images/link.gif" /></a>
--- 1,10 ----
  <td class="multisites-label label" >
+     <a title="View reports" href="index.php?module=CoreHome&action=index&date=%date%&period=%period%&idSite=%idsite%">%idsite%</a>
+ </td>
+ <td class="multisites-column name" >
      <a title="View reports" href="index.php?module=CoreHome&action=index&date=%date%&period=%period%&idSite=%idsite%">%name%</a>
      <span style="width: 10px; margin-left:3px"> 
!     <a target="_blank" title="{'General_GoTo'|translate:"%main_url%"}" href="%main_url%"><img src="plugins/MultiSites/images/link.gif" /></a>
diff -c2rB MultiSites_ori//templates/styles.css MultiSites/templates/styles.css
*** MultiSites_ori//templates/styles.css	2010-07-27 07:13:02.000000000 +0800
--- MultiSites/templates/styles.css	2011-01-04 18:50:17.151000000 +0800
*** 31,34 ****
--- 31,37 ----
  #multisites td.multisites-label {
+     width: 70px;
+ }
+ #multisites td.multisites-column.name {
      padding-left: 15px ;


cd plugins/MultiSites
cp blabla/downloads/MultiSites.patch .
patch -p1 -i MultiSites.patch

Or pm me your email and I’ll send the zip file of my MultiSites.

Edit: It’s important to clear your PIWIK/tmp/assets/* content to force piwik to rebuild css / js cache

On my part, i simply start the name of the site with the number i want (followed by a period and a pace).
But then, i only have 14 of them and i use their ID to order them.