Plain installation fails after DB Setup with empty config.ini.php

Hi all,

I just wanted install Piwik for the first time. Downloaded version 2.16.0, unzipped, configured NginX and set up MySQL (MariaDB).

The installation requirements is all green, except the “tracker status”, calling it shows a web server error, that “config.ini.php” cannot be found, which makes sense before the installation is finished?

But after entering the DB credentials, I get a “unstyled” page showing “tables created with success”, and the config.ini.php file is created, but does not contain any DB settings, only the Plugins

Can anyone help me how to find the problem or the root cause? The installation after the DB Setup is in the following state:

  • config.ini.php created, but only with Plugins, no DB info
  • Tables in MySQL are created
  • Accessing Piwik does not continue with installation, but shows that MySQL cannot be accessed (looks like piwik thinks installation is finished)


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Just an update, using Piwik in a new /analytics/ subfolder works… I just wanted to use it in a “” without subdirectory, for some reason it did not work.

But using it with HTTPS again seems to not work again (using proxy mode in NginX).

So I could only install Piwik to the top level domain directory by installing it to /analytics/ first and moving everything to “/” afterwards.

This shouldn’t be the case, right?

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