Piwik Update Issue


I get the attached piwik exception in reponse whenever I make the first REST API call of the day to piwik server. How can i disble or tell piwik not to check for updates when I make REST calls. I understand that there could be internet or proxy problem causing piwik update failure, but why is that piwik checks for its update when i make REST calls to piwik from my programs. Note that this happens only for the first REST API call of the day, it is not re-producible for the rest of the day. Is there some way I can disable automatic update?

You can disable by setting

in the config file. It will completely disable auto updates.

It requires2.0.3-beta6


Thanks for your response

I am currently using piwik 1.12, is there any solution in this version to disable auto update

Not in 1.12, please upgrade to 2.0 to enjoy the amazing new features!

Resetting global.ini I got this error:

Notice: Undefined index: enable_auto_update in /var/piwik/core/UpdateCheck.php

I suppose the parameter should be set in global.ini or in config.ini?

Apparently a bug: global.ini should set it

Global does set it, check you have latest

This is global.ini.php in 2.0.3: no enable_auto_update string:

; <?php exit; ?> DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
; If you want to change some of these default values, the best practise is to override
; them in your configuration file in config/config.ini.php. If you directly edit this file,
; you will lose your changes when you upgrade Piwik.
; For example if you want to override action_title_category_delimiter,
; edit config/config.ini.php and add the following:
; [General]
; action_title_category_delimiter = "-"

; WARNING - YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY - Edit config.ini.php instead.

host =
username =
password =
dbname =
tables_prefix =
port = 3306
adapter = PDO_MYSQL
; if charset is set to utf8, Piwik will ensure that it is storing its data using UTF8 charset.
; it will add a sql query SET at each page view.
; Piwik should work correctly without this setting.
;charset = utf8

host = localhost
username = root
password =
dbname = piwik_tests
tables_prefix = piwiktests_
port = 3306
adapter = PDO_MYSQL

login = 
password =

; possible values for log: screen, database, file
log_writers[] = screen

; log level, everything logged w/ this level or one of greater severity
; will be logged. everything else will be ignored. possible values are:
log_level = WARN

; if set to 1, only requests done in CLI mode (eg. the archive.php cron run) will be logged
; NOTE: log_only_when_debug_parameter will also be checked for
log_only_when_cli = 0

; if set to 1, only requests with "&debug" parameter will be logged
; NOTE: log_only_when_cli will also be checked for
log_only_when_debug_parameter = 0

; if configured to log in a file, log entries will be made to this file
logger_file_path = tmp/logs/piwik.log

; if set to 1, the archiving process will always be triggered, even if the archive has already been computed
; this is useful when making changes to the archiving code so we can force the archiving process
always_archive_data_period = 0;
always_archive_data_day = 0;
; Force archiving Custom date range (without re-archiving sub-periods used to process this date range)
always_archive_data_range = 0;

; if set to 1, all the SQL queries will be recorded by the profiler
; and a profiling summary will be printed at the end of the request
; NOTE: you must also set [log] log_writers[] = "screen" to enable the profiler to print on screen
enable_sql_profiler = 0

; if set to 1, a Piwik tracking code will be included in the Piwik UI footer and will track visits, pages, etc. to idsite = 1
; this is useful for Piwik developers as an easy way to create data in their local Piwik
track_visits_inside_piwik_ui = 0

; if set to 1, javascript and css files will be included individually
; this option must be set to 1 when adding, removing or modifying javascript and css files
disable_merged_assets = 0

; If set to 1, all requests to piwik.php will be forced to be 'new visitors'
tracker_always_new_visitor = 0

; Allow automatic upgrades to Beta or RC releases
allow_upgrades_to_beta = 0

; the following settings control whether Unique Visitors will be processed for different period types.
; year and range periods are disabled by default, to ensure optimal performance for high traffic Piwik instances
; if you set it to 1 and want the Unique Visitors to be re-processed for reports in the past, drop all piwik_archive_* tables
; it is recommended to always enable Unique Visitors processing for 'day' periods
enable_processing_unique_visitors_day = 1
enable_processing_unique_visitors_week = 1
enable_processing_unique_visitors_month = 1
enable_processing_unique_visitors_year = 0
enable_processing_unique_visitors_range = 0

; when set to 1, all requests to Piwik will return a maintenance message without connecting to the DB
; this is useful when upgrading using the shell command, to prevent other users from accessing the UI while Upgrade is in progress
maintenance_mode = 0

; character used to automatically create categories in the Actions > Pages, Outlinks and Downloads reports
; for example a URL like "example.com/blog/development/first-post" will create
; the page first-post in the subcategory development which belongs to the blog category
action_url_category_delimiter = /

; similar to above, but this delimiter is only used for page titles in the Actions > Page titles report
action_title_category_delimiter = /

; the maximum url category depth to track. if this is set to 2, then a url such as
; "example.com/blog/development/first-post" would be treated as "example.com/blog/development".
; this setting is used mainly to limit the amount of data that is stored by Piwik.
action_category_level_limit = 10

; minimum number of websites to run autocompleter
autocomplete_min_sites = 5

; maximum number of websites showed in search results in autocompleter
site_selector_max_sites = 15

; if set to 1, shows sparklines (evolution graph) in 'All Websites' report (MultiSites plugin)
show_multisites_sparklines = 1

; number of websites to display per page in the All Websites dashboard
all_websites_website_per_page = 50

; if set to 0, the anonymous user will not be able to use the 'segments' parameter in the API request
; this is useful to prevent full DB access to the anonymous user, or to limit performance usage
anonymous_user_enable_use_segments_API = 1

; if browser trigger archiving is disabled, API requests with a &segment= parameter will still trigger archiving.
; You can force the browser archiving to be disabled in most cases by setting this setting to 0
; The only time that the browser will still trigger archiving is when requesting a custom date range that is not pre-processed yet
browser_archiving_disabled_enforce = 0

; this action name is used when the URL ends with a slash /
; it is useful to have an actual string to write in the UI
action_default_name = index

; if you want all your users to use Piwik in only one language, disable the LanguagesManager
; plugin, and set this default_language (users won't see the language drop down)
default_language = en

; default number of elements in the datatable
datatable_default_limit = 10

; default number of rows returned in API responses
API_datatable_default_limit = 100

; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "User Settings".
; The date and period loaded by Piwik uses the defaults below. Possible values: yesterday, today.
default_day = yesterday
; Possible values: day, week, month, year.
default_period = day

; Time in seconds after which an archive will be computed again. This setting is used only for today's statistics.
; Defaults to 10 seconds so that by default, Piwik provides real time reporting.
; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "General Settings".
; This is the default value used if the setting hasn't been overriden via the UI.
time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated = 10

; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "General Settings". The default value is to allow browsers
; to trigger the Piwik archiving process.
enable_browser_archiving_triggering = 1

; By default Piwik runs OPTIMIZE TABLE SQL queries to free spaces after deleting some data.
; If your Piwik tracks millions of pages, the OPTIMIZE TABLE queries might run for hours (seen in "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST \g")
; so you can disable these special queries here:
enable_sql_optimize_queries = 1

; MySQL minimum required version
; note: timezone support added in 4.1.3
minimum_mysql_version = 4.1

; PostgreSQL minimum required version
minimum_pgsql_version = 8.3

; Minimum adviced memory limit in php.ini file (see memory_limit value)
minimum_memory_limit = 128

; Minimum memory limit enforced when archived via misc/cron/archive.php
minimum_memory_limit_when_archiving = 768

; Piwik will check that usernames and password have a minimum length, and will check that characters are "allowed"
; This can be disabled, if for example you wish to import an existing User database in Piwik and your rules are less restrictive
disable_checks_usernames_attributes = 0

; Piwik will use the configured hash algorithm where possible.
; For legacy data, fallback or non-security scenarios, we use md5.
hash_algorithm = whirlpool

; by default, Piwik uses PHP's built-in file-based session save handler with lock files.
; For clusters, use dbtable.
session_save_handler = files

; by default, Piwik uses relative URLs, so you can login using http:// or https://
; (the latter assumes you have a valid SSL certificate).
; If set to 1, Piwik redirects the login form to use a secure connection (i.e., https).
force_ssl_login = 0

; If set to 1, Piwik will automatically redirect all http:// requests to https://
; If SSL / https is not correctly configured on the server, this will break Piwik
; If you set this to 1, and your SSL configuration breaks later on, you can always edit this back to 0 
; it is recommended for security reasons to always use Piwik over https
force_ssl = 0

; login cookie name
login_cookie_name = piwik_auth

; login cookie expiration (14 days)
login_cookie_expire = 1209600

; The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on.
; Defaults to empty. See spec in http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html
login_cookie_path =

; email address that appears as a Sender in the password recovery email
; if specified, {DOMAIN} will be replaced by the current Piwik domain
login_password_recovery_email_address = "password-recovery@{DOMAIN}"
; name that appears as a Sender in the password recovery email
login_password_recovery_email_name = Piwik

; By default when user logs out he is redirected to Piwik "homepage" usually the Login form.
; Uncomment the next line to set a URL to redirect the user to after he logs out of Piwik.
; login_logout_url = http://...

; Set to 1 to disable the framebuster on standard Non-widgets pages (a click-jacking countermeasure).
; Default is 0 (i.e., bust frames on all non Widget pages such as Login, API, Widgets, Email reports, etc.).
enable_framed_pages = 0

; Set to 1 to disable the framebuster on Admin pages (a click-jacking countermeasure).
; Default is 0 (i.e., bust frames on the Settings forms).
enable_framed_settings = 0

; language cookie name for session
language_cookie_name = piwik_lang

; standard email address displayed when sending emails
noreply_email_address = "noreply@{DOMAIN}"

; feedback email address;
; when testing, use your own email address or "nobody"
feedback_email_address = "hello@piwik.org"

; during archiving, Piwik will limit the number of results recorded, for performance reasons
; maximum number of rows for any of the Referrers tables (keywords, search engines, campaigns, etc.)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_referrers = 1000
; maximum number of rows for any of the Referrers subtable (search engines by keyword, keyword by campaign, etc.)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_referrers = 50

; maximum number of rows for the Custom Variables names report
; also used to process Ecommerce conversion rates (should be large enough to hold all unique Ecommerce items)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_custom_variables = 1000
; maximum number of rows for the Custom Variables values reports
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_custom_variables = 1000

; maximum number of rows for any of the Actions tables (pages, downloads, outlinks)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_actions = 500
; maximum number of rows for pages in categories (sub pages, when clicking on the + for a page category)
; note: should not exceed the display limit in Piwik\Actions\Controller::ACTIONS_REPORT_ROWS_DISPLAY
; because each subdirectory doesn't have paging at the bottom, so all data should be displayed if possible.
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_actions = 100

; maximum number of rows for other tables (Providers, User settings configurations)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_standard = 500

; maximum number of rows to fetch from the database when archiving. if set to 0, no limit is used.
; this can be used to speed up the archiving process, but is only useful if you're site has a large
; amount of actions, referrers or custom variable name/value pairs.
archiving_ranking_query_row_limit = 50000

; maximum number of actions that is shown in the visitor log for each visitor
visitor_log_maximum_actions_per_visit = 500

; by default, the real time Live! widget will update every 5 seconds and refresh with new visits/actions/etc.
; you can change the timeout so the widget refreshes more often, or not as frequently
live_widget_refresh_after_seconds = 5

; by default, the Live! real time visitor count widget will check to see how many visitors your
; website received in the last 3 minutes. changing this value will change the number of minutes
; the widget looks in.
live_widget_visitor_count_last_minutes = 3

; In "All Websites" dashboard, when looking at today's reports (or a date range including today),
; the page will automatically refresh every 5 minutes. Set to 0 to disable automatic refresh
multisites_refresh_after_seconds = 300

; Set to 1 if you're using https on your Piwik server and Piwik can't detect it,
; e.g., a reverse proxy using https-to-http, or a web server that doesn't
; set the HTTPS environment variable.
assume_secure_protocol = 0

; List of proxy headers for client IP addresses
; CloudFlare (CF-Connecting-IP)
;proxy_client_headers[] = HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP
; ISP proxy (Client-IP)
;proxy_client_headers[] = HTTP_CLIENT_IP
; de facto standard (X-Forwarded-For)
;proxy_client_headers[] = HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR

; List of proxy headers for host IP addresses
; de facto standard (X-Forwarded-Host)
;proxy_host_headers[] = HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST

; List of proxy IP addresses (or IP address ranges) to skip (if present in the above headers).
; Generally, only required if there's more than one proxy between the visitor and the backend web server.
; Examples:
;proxy_ips[] = 204.93.240.*
;proxy_ips[] =
;proxy_ips[] =
;proxy_ips[] =

; Whether to enable trusted host checking. This can be disabled if you're running Piwik
; on several URLs and do not wish to constantly edit the trusted host list.
enable_trusted_host_check = 1

; List of trusted hosts (eg domain or subdomain names) when generating absolute URLs.
; Examples:
;trusted_hosts[] = example.com
;trusted_hosts[] = stats.example.com

; The release server is an essential part of the Piwik infrastructure/ecosystem
; to provide the latest software version.
latest_version_url = http://builds.piwik.org/latest.zip

; The API server is an essential part of the Piwik infrastructure/ecosystem to
; provide services to Piwik installations, e.g., getLatestVersion and
; subscribeNewsletter.
api_service_url = http://api.piwik.org

; When the ImageGraph plugin is activated, report metadata have an additional entry : 'imageGraphUrl'.
; This entry can be used to request a static graph for the requested report.
; When requesting report metadata with $period=range, Piwik needs to translate it to multiple periods for evolution graphs.
; eg. $period=range&date=previous10 becomes $period=day&date=previous10. Use this setting to override the $period value.
graphs_default_period_to_plot_when_period_range = day

; The Overlay plugin shows the Top X following pages, Top X downloads and Top X outlinks which followed
; a view of the current page. The value X can be set here.
overlay_following_pages_limit = 300

; With this option, you can disable the framed mode of the Overlay plugin. Use it if your website contains a framebuster.
overlay_disable_framed_mode = 0

; By setting this option to 0, you can disable the Piwik marketplace. This is useful to prevent giving the Super user
; the access to disk and install custom PHP code (Piwik plugins).
enable_marketplace = 1

; Piwik uses first party cookies by default. If set to 1,
; the visit ID cookie will be set on the Piwik server domain as well
; this is useful when you want to do cross websites analysis
use_third_party_id_cookie = 0

; There is a feature in the Tracking API that lets you create new visit at any given time, for example if you know that a different user/customer is using
; the app then you would want to tell Piwik to create a new visit (even though both users are using the same browser/computer).
; To prevent abuse and easy creation of fake visits, this feature requires admin token_auth by default
; If you wish to use this feature using the Javascript tracker, you can set the setting new_visit_api_requires_admin=0, and in Javascript write:
; _paq.push(['appendToTrackingUrl', 'new_visit=1']);
new_visit_api_requires_admin = 1

; This setting should only be set to 1 in an intranet setting, where most users have the same configuration (browsers, OS)
; and the same IP. If left to 0 in this setting, all visitors will be counted as one single visitor.
trust_visitors_cookies = 0

; name of the cookie used to store the visitor information
; This is used only if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
cookie_name = _pk_uid

; by default, the Piwik tracking cookie expires in 2 years
; This is used only if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
cookie_expire = 63072000

; The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on.
; Defaults to empty. See spec in http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html
; This is used for the Ignore cookie, and the third party cookie if use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
cookie_path =

; set to 0 if you want to stop tracking the visitors. Useful if you need to stop all the connections on the DB.
record_statistics = 1

; length of a visit in seconds. If a visitor comes back on the website visit_standard_length seconds
; after his last page view, it will be recorded as a new visit
visit_standard_length = 1800

; The window to look back for a previous visit by this current visitor. Defaults to visit_standard_length.
; If you are looking for higher accuracy of "returning visitors" metrics, you may set this value to 86400 or more.
; This is especially useful when you use the Tracking API where tracking Returning Visitors often depends on this setting.
; The value window_look_back_for_visitor is used only if it is set to greater than visit_standard_length
window_look_back_for_visitor = 0

; visitors that stay on the website and view only one page will be considered as time on site of 0 second
default_time_one_page_visit = 0

; if set to 1, Piwik attempts a "best guess" at the visitor's country of
; origin when the preferred language tag omits region information.
; The mapping is defined in core/DataFiles/LanguageToCountry.php,
enable_language_to_country_guess = 1

; When the misc/cron/archive.php cron hasn't been setup, we still need to regularly run some maintenance tasks.
; Visits to the Tracker will try to trigger Scheduled Tasks (eg. scheduled PDF/HTML reports by email).
; Scheduled tasks will only run if 'Enable Piwik Archiving from Browser' is enabled in the General Settings.
; Tasks run once every hour maximum, they might not run every hour if traffic is low.
; Set to 0 to disable Scheduled tasks completely.
scheduled_tasks_min_interval = 3600

; name of the cookie to ignore visits
ignore_visits_cookie_name = piwik_ignore

; Comma separated list of variable names that will be read to define a Campaign name, for example CPC campaign
; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC' then it will be counted as a campaign referrer named 'Adwords-CPC'
; Includes by default the GA style campaign parameters
campaign_var_name = "pk_campaign,piwik_campaign,utm_campaign,utm_source,utm_medium"

; Comma separated list of variable names that will be read to track a Campaign Keyword
; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC&piwik_kwd=My killer keyword' ;
; then it will be counted as a campaign referrer named 'Adwords-CPC' with the keyword 'My killer keyword'
; Includes by default the GA style campaign keyword parameter utm_term
campaign_keyword_var_name = "pk_kwd,piwik_kwd,pk_keyword,utm_term"

; maximum length of a Page Title or a Page URL recorded in the log_action.name table
page_maximum_length = 1024;

; Anonymize a visitor's IP address after testing for "Ip exclude"
; This value is the level of anonymization Piwik will use; if the AnonymizeIP plugin is deactivated, this value is ignored.
; For IPv4/IPv6 addresses, valid values are the number of octets in IP address to mask (from 0 to 4).
; For IPv6 addresses 0..4 means that 0, 64, 80, 104 or all bits are masked.
ip_address_mask_length = 1

; Set this setting to 0 to let plugins use the full non-anonymized IP address when enriching visitor information.
; When set to 1, by default, Geo Location via geoip and Provider reverse name lookups
; will use the anonymized IP address when anonymization is enabled.
use_anonymized_ip_for_visit_enrichment = 1

; Tracker cache files are the simple caching layer for Tracking.
; TTL: Time to live for cache files, in seconds. Default to 5 minutes.
tracker_cache_file_ttl = 300

; !!! Security risk: if set to 0, it would allow anyone to push data to Piwik with custom dates in the past/future and even with fake IPs!
; When using the Tracking API, to override either the datetime and/or the visitor IP, 
; token_auth with an "admin" access is required. If you set this setting to 0, the token_auth will not be required anymore.
tracking_requests_require_authentication = 1

; Reports with segmentation in API requests are processed in real time.
; On high traffic websites it is recommended to pre-process the data
; so that the analytics reports are always fast to load.
; You can define below the list of Segments strings
; for which all reports should be Archived during the cron execution
; All segment values MUST be URL encoded.

; If you define Custom Variables for your visitor, for example set the visit type

; delete_logs_enable - enable (1) or disable (0) delete log feature. Make sure that all archives for the given period have been processed (setup a cronjob!),
; otherwise you may lose tracking data.
; delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval - lowest possible interval between two table deletes (in days, 1|7|30). Default: 7.
; delete_logs_older_than - delete data older than XX (days). Default: 180
delete_logs_enable = 0
delete_logs_schedule_lowest_interval = 7
delete_logs_older_than = 180
enable_auto_database_size_estimate = 1

; custom logo
; if 1, custom logo is being displayed instead of piwik logo
use_custom_logo = 0

defaultHostnameIfEmpty = defaultHostnameIfEmpty.example.org ; default Email @hostname, if current host can't be read from system variables
transport = ; smtp (using the configuration below) or empty (using built-in mail() function)
port = ; optional; defaults to 25 when security is none or tls; 465 for ssl
host = ; SMTP server address
type = ; SMTP Auth type. By default: NONE. For example: LOGIN
username = ; SMTP username
password = ; SMTP password
encryption = ; SMTP transport-layer encryption, either 'ssl', 'tls', or empty (i.e., none).

type = BASIC ; proxy type for outbound/outgoing connections; currently, only BASIC is supported
host = ; Proxy host: the host name of your proxy server (mandatory)
port = ; Proxy port: the port that the proxy server listens to. There is no standard default, but 80, 1080, 3128, and 8080 are popular
username = ; Proxy username: optional; if specified, password is mandatory
password = ; Proxy password: optional; if specified, username is mandatory

Plugins[] = CorePluginsAdmin
Plugins[] = CoreAdminHome
Plugins[] = CoreHome
Plugins[] = CoreVisualizations
Plugins[] = Proxy
Plugins[] = API
Plugins[] = ExamplePlugin
Plugins[] = Widgetize
Plugins[] = Transitions
Plugins[] = LanguagesManager
Plugins[] = Actions
Plugins[] = Dashboard
Plugins[] = MultiSites
Plugins[] = Referrers
Plugins[] = UserSettings
Plugins[] = Goals
Plugins[] = SEO
Plugins[] = Events
Plugins[] = UserCountry
Plugins[] = VisitsSummary
Plugins[] = VisitFrequency
Plugins[] = VisitTime
Plugins[] = VisitorInterest
Plugins[] = ExampleAPI
Plugins[] = ExampleRssWidget
Plugins[] = Provider
Plugins[] = Feedback

Plugins[] = Login
Plugins[] = UsersManager
Plugins[] = SitesManager
Plugins[] = Installation
Plugins[] = CoreUpdater
Plugins[] = CoreConsole
Plugins[] = ScheduledReports
Plugins[] = UserCountryMap
Plugins[] = Live
Plugins[] = CustomVariables
Plugins[] = PrivacyManager
Plugins[] = ImageGraph
Plugins[] = DoNotTrack
Plugins[] = Annotations
Plugins[] = MobileMessaging
Plugins[] = Overlay
Plugins[] = SegmentEditor

Plugins[] = Morpheus

PluginsInstalled[] = Login
PluginsInstalled[] = CoreAdminHome
PluginsInstalled[] = UsersManager
PluginsInstalled[] = SitesManager
PluginsInstalled[] = Installation

Plugins_Tracker[] = Provider
Plugins_Tracker[] = Goals
Plugins_Tracker[] = DoNotTrack
Plugins_Tracker[] = UserCountry

; Any key/value pair can be added in this section, they will be available via the REST call
; index.php?module=API&method=API.getSettings 
; This can be used to expose values from Piwik, to control for example a Mobile app tracking
SDK_batch_size = 10
SDK_interval_value = 30

; NOTE: do not directly edit this file! See notice at the top

it seems that neither enable_geolocation_admin isn’t defined in global.ini, and that generates error when archiving, too

Maybe you’re using 2.0.4 beta and not 2.0.3? what is core/version.php ?

const VERSION = ‘2.0.3’;

undefined enable_load_data_infile provokes error too

try update to latest beta: Index of /

absolute_chroot_path is undefinded too in 2.0.3

What is happening to me is that the archive script always fails saying there is an undefined config index. Every time I define the index, and when a run the script again another index is undefined.

My fear is that something is broken, and I’ll be defining more and more indexes without ever getting the script run till the end.

Matt, are you sure that there is not a bug in managing the indexes?

What error are you getting exactly?

Upgrading to 2.0.4 beta solved the issue, but I had to delete again all the archives in order to get all of them calculated without holes.