Piwik limits

i’m running a site with 300,000 hits per day on a remote server. Piwik is crashing mysql and apache on windows (different machine)… mysql just dies because too many connections are still open even after piwik finished to register the log, apache because of no more memory as mysql takes all of it with too many processes…

i’ve on the same piwik i’ve another site (remote on another server) that registers only 15/20 hits per day and never gave me troubles.

I just want to know (if possible) if there is any report of piwik working under such high stress or not. as i’m thinking to get a dedicated machine just for piwik running on linux where apache+php+mysql are much more stable.

Any hits?

Thank you



I’m running piwik on a Side having > 131000 Hits per Day (~ 8000-10.000 Unique Users per day, 300-400 Users Concurrently). It is a single Server, 2 Core CPU, 2 GB Ram and a VBulletin Forum.

The load piwik adds to The Server is more than the Load of the Vbulletin Forum…

My max connections for mysql ist set to 50, on the http-server (using lighttpd) is a max of 40 fast-cgi processes configured.

Most concerns to piwik is the archive cron job. At the moment i need a php-cli.ini having 260MB for max - memory which is … not the best solution.

I thing piwik is (at the moment) not the best solution to handle that load.

Hope this helps for you.