Piwik HTTP auth plugin with mobile app

I use HTTP auth for all of my maintenance scripts and analytics. It’s a necessity for me as I spend a lot of time on VPNs as well as connecting via mobile, which means lots of rotating IP addresses.

So I have Piwik behind Nginx HTTP auth and discovered this plugin to use HTTP auth instead of the database auth. Is there a way to use the mobile app in conjunction with this? I can’t find any way to get it to attempt HTTP auth and using my HTTP auth credentials on the app just returns the unauthorized error.

Maybe this helps? How do I install Piwik? - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Maybe this helps? How do I install Piwik? - Analytics Platform - Matomo

That does, thanks. However I recommend changing your example in the FAQ to https://

You should not be sending a password in a URI via plain text, unencrypted.