Piwik & Google App Engine


For some reasons, I would like to use Google App Engine to host my Piwik. The only thing I need is that AppEngine works as a WebService in order to make it called by the JavaScripts trackers of my websites.
However, we can’t write to the filesystem on AppEngine, that causes a lot of issue when Piwik tries to create files/folders, either cache or tmp.

Do you think it could still be possible to install Piwik on AppEngine? (Using Cloud SQL for the data at the same time)


Maybe it is possible. As a start, please test with Piwik 2.3.0

If you have any problem let me know here I will try to help!

One of the thing that may help is to enable DB sessions: How do I use the database to store session files, instead of storing sessions in files? - Analytics Platform - Matomo

I’m trying to do the same thing as Stephane . Here are the steps :

  • Downloaded the last piwik version (2.10.0)
  • Installed the PHP sdk for appengine.
  • Added the app.yaml file :
    [center]application: <app_id>
    version: 1
    runtime: php
    api_version: 1


  • url: /.*
    script: index.php[/center]

  • added the config/config.ini.php file with the database configuration (google cloud sql) and
    [center]session_save_handler = dbtable
    backends[] = array[/center]

  • added the php.ini file with
    [center]google_app_engine.enable_functions = “php_sapi_name”[/center]

then : appcfg.py update

and i am getting a Piwik Error

[center]Piwik couldn’t write to some directories .

Try to Execute the following commands on your server, to allow Write access on these directories:

chown -R www-data:www-data /base/data/home/apps/s~azapiwikisp/1.381856447577620345
chmod -R 0755 /base/data/home/apps/s~azapiwikisp/1.381856447577620345/tmp
chmod -R 0755 /base/data/home/apps/s~azapiwikisp/1.381856447577620345/tmp/assets/
chmod -R 0755 /base/data/home/apps/s~azapiwikisp/1.381856447577620345/tmp/cache
chmod -R 0755 /base/data/home/apps/s~azapiwikisp/1.381856447577620345/tmp/logs/
chmod -R 0755 /base/data/home/apps/s~azapiwikisp/1.381856447577620345/tmp/tcpdf/
chmod -R 0755 /base/data/home/apps/s~azapiwikisp/1.381856447577620345/tmp/templates_c/[/center]

In the google cloud platform logs i have :
[center]E 11:10:31.698 2015-01-29 200 1.14 KB 135ms /index.php
E 11:10:32.069 2015-01-29 200 1.14 KB 258ms /plugins/Morpheus/stylesheets/simple_structure.css
E 11:10:32.363 2015-01-29 200 1.14 KB 226ms /plugins/Morpheus/images/logo-header.png[/center]

with that Piwik Error.

Any idea about this problem ?
