I know Piwik already has an opt in facility - however, does Piwik by default come under this legislation - or does the way it track usage fall outside of this law?
Starting with Piwik 1.2, these are first party cookies. Because every website is different, Piwik doesn’t/can’t directly provide an opt-in.
It’s a catch-22. If the visitor doesn’t opt-in, piwik.js can’t record a cookie that say’s he/she didn’t opt-in; similarly, the server can’t use a session cookie to remember that a visitor didn’t opt-in.
So the net-effect is that a visitor who doesn’t opt-in, is going to get prompted to opt-in on every page view / refresh. It’s going to make for very poor user experiences IMHO.
If the proposed changes come into force in the UK, web site operators in the UK could do something like this
var tracker = Piwik.getTracker( 'http://example.co.uk/piwik.php', '1' );
var visitorId = tracker.getVisitorId();
var optin = false;
if (!visitorId) {
optin = confirm( 'Opt-in to use cookies?' );
if (optin || visitorId) {
// etc
Thanks vipsoft - a new api method would be fantastic
Hopefully the law wont be enforced. I really can’t see it working - it’s a bad law which will force companies to host their websites outside of the EU.