Hi, I just upgraded Piwik from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.
Everything was working fine before upgrade but after, the CPU stays at 100% (7% before upgrade, on a heavy traffic website).
I’m running it on Debian Wheezy, Nginx and php 5.5 and Piwik is totally innaccessible !
php fpm log says :
[17-Apr-2014 17:03:03] WARNING: [pool www] seems busy (you may need to increase pm.start_servers, or pm.min/max_spare_servers), spawning 32 children, there are 0 idle, and 49 total children
Nginx and the server has nothing to do with that : when I was using 2.1.0, everything was working fine on a 3 millions pv per day.
The only thing wich have changed is the Piwik upgrade to 2.2.0.
I tried to restart nginx, php-fpm, clear the Piwik tmp folder and reboot the server but nothing solved my problem, I still have the CPU at 100%.
And I’m not speaking about incompatible plugins such as LoginLdap (but this is my fault, I souhlt have checked the compatibilty before upragding).
And now, I’m sure I won’t have XSS attack as my server is completely down and unusefull as my users can’t login.