Are you sure you don’t have any other module that could create the problem, like mod_pagespeed, Wincache, etc?
I believe there are thousands of people using PHP 5.5 (with the built-in opcache enabled by default) without problem. By the way just to be sure when you say Zend Opcache you mean the built-in opcache in PHP 5.5 right?
Hi and thanks for your reply. Yes, I’m referring to the built in opcache. Strange thing is when I disable opcache, all of Piwik works great. I’m really stumped and any other ideas would be very helpful. Thanks again.
I have honestly no idea. You don’t seem to override those settings but please just check that opcache.validate_timestamps is enabled (PHP: Runtime Configuration - Manual) (it could mess up Piwik’s PHP files cache maybe) and save_comments/load_comments are enabled too (PHP: Runtime Configuration - Manual).
Also try to restart apache/php-fpm after enabling opcache, maybe there’s a stale cache and for some reason it doesn’t get invalidated (maybe because of opcache.revalidate_freq=60)
All settings verified and thank you so much for your help! I was previously on PHP5.4 and did an upgrade to my server, after which these problems started. Turns out my php.ini file was missing all the opcache settings and I had them in the opcache.ini file (thinking it would be ok there). So, I found a newer php.ini file for PHP5.5 and everything works great