see i have a problem understanding your wp setup andhow you are comparing them to determine the errors… ok if we look at simplyfying to find an error can you do a log analysis where just one page is looked at? as i see it you arecomparing wp web stats tp piwik stats and expecting them to match or atleast be close, that might be tricky as word press can be including some system pages that really arent expected web pages when comparing tp piwik .
Here is what to do:
use 2.1 RC 301 Moved Permanently
Then try import the data. if it is not working, please create a ticket at with the log file to reproduce and what is not working. Thanks
I already use 2.1 RC !!!
Last test with piwik 2.7RC3 and one line logfile : - - [17/Feb/2014:04:26:34 +0100] “GET /slav/ling/cours/a07-08/SEMI%20UNIL/041207Iva.html HTTP/1.1” 200 6690 “” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.107 Safari/537.36”
/usr/local/bin/python2.7 /var/www/html/piwik/misc/log-analytics/ --url= --idsite=579 --config=/var/www/html/piwik/config/config.ini.php --recorders=2 --enable-static --enable-bots --enable-http-errors --enable-http-redirects --enable-reverse-dns --strip-query-strin /var/tmp/stats/prod/access_slav2 2>&1
0 lines parsed, 0 lines recorded, 0 records/sec (avg), 0 records/sec (current)
Parsing log /var/tmp/stats/prod/access_slav2…
Purging Piwik archives for dates: 2014-02-17
To re-process these reports with your new update data, execute the piwik/misc/cron/archive.php script, or see: How to Set up Auto-Archiving of Your Reports - Analytics Platform - Matomo for more info.
Logs import summary
1 requests imported successfully
0 requests were downloads
0 requests ignored:
0 invalid log lines
0 requests done by bots, search engines, ...
0 HTTP errors
0 HTTP redirects
0 requests to static resources (css, js, ...)
0 requests did not match any known site
0 requests did not match any requested hostname
Website import summary
1 requests imported to 1 sites
1 sites already existed
0 sites were created:
0 distinct hostnames did not match any existing site:
Performance summary
Total time: 0 seconds
Requests imported per second: 11.11 requests per second
And the actions > report page is … empty …!!!
Any idea ??
I imported the same log line and for me it was showing in the Visitor Log for the 17th of Feb
Yes it is in the visitor log but with NO action and there is nothing in the Actions > page report ( no pageview) which seems not correct for me ??
Do you have an explanation for that ?
Any news for this problem ?
I could see that my bug report (ticket 4697) was closed but I still have no solution for that problem…
Thanks for your help .