Nothing happen after login with piwik 0.4.3

i’ve installed piwik 0.4.3 on my server and after the php_flag-fix installation works fine.

php_flag session.auto_start off

I didn’t get any error-message during the installation.
But when i try to login nothing happen. If i type in incorrect login-data i will get an error-message because of wrong login…

my php-version is PHP Version 5.2.0-8+etch15 and myql 5.0.32-Debian_7etch10-log

Does someone know this behavior or a solution for this strang behavior?

thank u very much…

We made a number of redirect to referrer changes that should be fixed in upcoming 0.4.4 release.

in the meantime, you should be able to login and then manually change the url to yoursite/index.php

Please try again with Piwik 0.4.4, now available for download.