I am using Piwik version 1.11.1. I am not able to use the GeoIP PECL location provider since piwik shows it is not installed. But both PECL and geoip extension are installed.
Actually it was working before. Recently I updated the php version and the piwik version. I am not sure when this stopped working. But I noticed only after updating the piwik version.
By debugging I found out function_exists(‘geoip_db_avail’) in piwik/plugins/UserCountry/LocationProvider/GeoIp returns empty instead of true.
It would be great if anyone could help to resolve this issue.
That’s the problem. It is already installed. When I run pecl install geoip, I get the message that the latest version of geoip is already installed. As I mentioned in my post, it was working before.
mod_geoip is in the loaded modules list. Also extension=geoip.so is in the php.ini along with the geoip.custom_directory entry. This is something I added long time back.