First off, I have piwik installed and working fine. That was easy. What I don’t have now is any of the search engine data for my sites. The “Top Keywords for Page URL” data is empty.
I am not a programmer. I am more of a graphic designer who works with web pages in html and css. I can copy and paste java and php and read the syntax, but I admit my knowledge is limited in those fields.
When I maximize the “Top Keywords for Page URL” window from my dashboard, I am presented wiht a php option for my site. However, when I copy and paste this:
// This function will call the API to get best keyword for current URL.
// Then it writes the list of best keywords in a HTML list
function DisplayTopKeywords($url = "")
// Do not spend more than 1 second fetching the data
@ini_set("default_socket_timeout", $timeout = 1);
// Get the Keywords data
$url = empty($url) ? "http://". $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] : $url;
$api = "" . urlencode($url);
$keywords = @unserialize(file_get_contents($api));
if($keywords === false || isset($keywords["result"])) {
// DEBUG ONLY: uncomment for troubleshooting an empty output (the URL output reveals the token_auth)
// echo "Error while fetching the Top Keywords from Piwik";
// Display the list in HTML
$output = "
echo $output;
into an html page and rename it into a php page, I get errors.
If someone could please tell me what I'm supposed to insert where and what bits of the code need to be changed and what not so I can get the search engine data for my sites, I would really appreciate it.
A non-programmer friendly tutorial of this would be amazing. I've looked everywhere for it.
Im also trying to make this widget work but i think i confused myself. using the latest v1.1 …Im also using wordpress
The goal is to have it display top keywords for each url right? or is this JUST for 1 URL? ie home page?
the instructions say
add small code snippet that you can copy paste in your Website PHP files. You can then simply call the function DisplayTopKeywords(); anywhere in your template —Im using Wordpress so which PHP file do i put this in?
I have to then insert this PHP code…( i changed slightly to hide api) Where do i put this ? before </head? or or a new blank page? im sorry this is the part im confused on…
// This function will call the API to get best keyword for current URL.
// Then it writes the list of best keywords in a HTML list
function DisplayTopKeywords($url = "")
// Do not spend more than 1 second fetching the data
@ini_set("default_socket_timeout", $timeout = 1);
// Get the Keywords data
$url = empty($url) ? "http://". $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] : $url;
$api = "" . urlencode($url);
$keywords = @unserialize(file_get_contents($api));
if($keywords === false || isset($keywords["result"])) {
// DEBUG ONLY: uncomment for troubleshooting an empty output (the URL output reveals the token_auth)
// echo "Error while fetching the Top Keywords from Piwik";
// Display the list in HTML
$url = htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES);
$output = "
I too am a noob and need help understanding how to get the Top Keyword Plugin to work. One of the previous replies asked for “exact error messages”. I have not gotten that far. I have no idea what to really do, where to start…where to past the code…for each page???. Is there a step by step tutorial and a bit more information on this?