No tracking after migration of Piwik-VM


recently I migrated some of our virtual servers from an old VMware-Plattform to the actual Vsphere-Client. Since then on those machines that were migrated to the new client piwik access didn’t work properly.

In the beginning no inbound site reported correctly and in order to access our piwik via browser I created an Alias in the /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/mysite.conf:

Alias /piwik /srv/www/htdocs/piwik

Now I am able to access piwik and the machines that still remain on the old VMware report to piwik properly. For testing purposes I turned off the firewall and even then nothing passed to piwik. The tracking code with the site id is correct. Before I created the Alias I received this error:

Error: Permission denied to access property 'toString'
var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + "piwik.php", 8);

Since the Alias is created the error disappeared but still the migrated VMs don’t report. I have no clue where else to look?
I’d be thankful for a hint.


Check the server error logs, the javascript errors ? see also Troubleshooting - Analytics Platform - Matomo