No Stylesheet after update to 2.0

as already stated in subject my browser is unable to find the stylesheet after updating to 2.0.3. I already tried the steps as described in FAQ 135[/url] and [url=]FAQ 148 but none of these helped. I also tried the system check but it found no errors.

Unfortunately I have no access to the system log file. The only hint I found was firefox’ developer console which told something like “Could not load css because its type was text/html instead of text/css”.

Do you have some ideas what is the reason?

Thanks in advance

These two faqs should have helped for sure… what’s in your server error logs?

Unfortunately I use a web hoster that does not provide access to the error log. Is there any other place to look (piwik’s own log for example)? I already checked firefox’ own developer console which told the message provided above. Could that be a hint to the problem’s cause or is this quite normal?

Today I made a full new installation (without my backed up config file or database) but it has the same issues (and also in different browsers).

The host should provide error logs at least on request, otherwise we can’t find out what are the problems (guessing is too hard)