New BitNami Stack for Piwik

Hi all,

We have just released BitNami Stack for Piwik (Piwik Cloud Hosting, Piwik Installer, Docker Container and VM). It is an easy one-click installer for Windows, OS X and Linux. They are self-contained and independent so you can install it without modify your system. You can also install more than one for testing or share the servers with other applications easily: wordpress, drupal, etc.

You can also download a Virtual Appliance ready-to-run or you can deploy it for free in the Amazon Cloud during one year thanks to Amazon AWS Free Tier (Capa gratuita de AWS)

They ships Piwik 1.5.1 and dependencies: PHP 5.2.8, Apache 2.2.19, MySQL 5.1.56.

Any feedback will be highly appreciated.

To protect trademarks, there needs to be some separation between marks. Can you refer to it as Bitnami Stack for Piwik?

Our licensing FAQ is at

Thanks for letting us know. We will change the name in our next release. Would that work for you?


Thanks Beltran for letting us know and making the name change. To be notified after new piwik releases you can subscribe to email newsletter: Changelog Archive - Analytics Platform - Matomo

When the userbase of Bitnami Piwik grows above 100 users, we would love to know :slight_smile:

All the best!