Mysqldump — possible to combine backups?

Hello everyone,

We would like to delete old visitor logs every 3 months (as recommended in the Privacy settings page). However, we do want to keep the user data for at least a year so that we can have some longitudinal data to use for our Annual Report.

We thought maybe we could do something like this every 3 months:
[li] Do a mysqldump of the Piwik database.
[/li][li] Clear the Piwik visitor logs.
[/li][li] Import the mysqldump into a local (offline) version of Piwik. Ideally this should just add on any new data, rather than replacing one dump with another dump. ie, if Dump1.sql covers January-March, and Dump2.sql covers April-June, then I would want the local Piwik to import both dumps and have January-June.
[li] Is there anything wrong with doing this?
[/li][li] Is there a better way to do it?
[/li][li] If it’s okay to do it, how would I do step 3? So far, I have been doing dumps like this:

mysqldump -u username -p databasename | gzip > filename.sql.gz

I can see that this has DROP TABLEs in it, I guess this will cause one dump to replace another rather than adding to it?
Thanks for any help!

However, we do want to keep the user data for at least a year so that we can have some longitudinal data to use for our Annual Report.

Hi there,

if you need the data for one year, we recommend to keep the data in PIwik for one year. Otherwise we don’t support the procedure you outlined (use at your own risk)