My Piwik Whishlist

A list of things I am missing in Piwik.

  • more detailed bounce rate statistics. bounce rate for single pages
  • bounce rate per search term / source
  • source of organic traffic (,,,
  • detailed statistics for “length of visit” and “pages per visit”. in my opinion tag clouds and the 2 graphical charts are not that good in representing the data
    (1 Page: 50 Users | 50%, 2 Pages 10 Users | 10%, …, more than X 15 Users | 15% )
  • graphical chart with: total users, users from search engines, users from linking websites and direct traffic
  • an easier to navigate navigation. I don’t like the mouseover navigation and would prefer one that keeps open as long as I am in that category
  • top entry pages
  • top exit pages
  • top entry page for a specific goal
  • funnel analysis (ordering process)

In case something on my list is already supported by piwik, please give me a hint where to find that feature.

Thanks for the great work!

We’ve just launched the new Funnels premium plugin! The premium Funnels plugin provides really powerful Conversion Funnels analytics directly in Piwik. Learn more & get the plugin in the Funnel Marketplace page. Check the Funnels User Guide and Funnels FAQ for more information. This plugin will help you increase conversions by showing you where visitors drop off the funnel. Funnels visualizes the steps your users take to complete a goal or purchase to instantly see how well they succeed or fail at each step. Based on this information you can evaluate your success and improve your website or app to boost your conversion rates (CRO) and sales. We have put a lot of love into Funnels to integrate it super nicely into Piwik!