Can I use the python import script to import multiple logs by using a simple u_ex*.log in the command line instead of naming each one???
Can I use the python import script to import multiple logs by using a simple u_ex*.log in the command line instead of naming each one???
Does it work for you when you try it?
No, says file not found??
I think it depends on which shell you use, because this works for me:
$ ./misc/log-analytics/import_logs.py /var/log/apache2/access.log.4* --url=http://localhost/piwik-master/ --idsite=1
Its a Windows platform and noramlly .log would work if I was listing a directory or something. Is there any regex or special delimiters that python needs to be able to us the '’?
I’m not sure about python, if you find something let please us know (or create a ticket if you don’t )
After some googling and reaching deep into the depths of my dos days I was successful doing this using a for loop!
for %a in (*.log) DO C:\python27\python import_logs.py --url=http://stats.mysite.com %a