Multiple log file import issue


I have just discovered PIWIK: Amazing! I want to import existing log files for analytics into a seperate website account. I want PiWIK to analyze human data only (no bots) in full detail possible. I have come across the code below. My questions are:

python /path/to/piwik/misc/log-analytics/ --url=
–idsite=2 --recorders=4 --enable-http-errors --enable-http-redirects --enable-static
–enable-bots access.log

  1. Where do I define the location of log files. They are in zipped format in /logs directory such as logs/
  2. There are muliple log files dating from Sept. 2014 to current month; can I process them all together or month by month?
  3. What does --recorders=4 refer to? What am I suppose to put in for ‘4’ value?
  4. I am new to tech stuff; am I correct to say I have to type a command similar to one in below in a SSH session?

Best regards,

Hi there

you can type --help to get some help about parameters

  1. There are muliple log files dating from Sept. 2014 to current month; can I process them all together or month by month?

you can use shell wildcards eg. *.log

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the feedback.

What if the log files are compressed in gzip form, is it still possible to import them?

