To my site (big site with Varnish cache), I need get the most view contents of the day. I use piwik to track, thus:
<script type="text/javascript">
... [others codes here] ...
_paq.push(["setCookieDomain", "*.dev.mysite.com"]);
_paq.push(["setCustomVariable", 1, "title", 'Title of my content', "page"]);
_paq.push(["setCustomVariable", 2, "entry_id", 'ID of my content', "page"]);
... [others codes here] ...
And to capture the results, I use REST (Actions.getPageUrl):
And the result is almost perfect:
"label": "news/blahblah/article-url-here",
"nb_hits": 27,
"url": "http://mysite.com/news/blahblah/article-url-here"
"label": "news/blahblah/article-url-here",
"nb_hits": 17,
"url": "http://mysite.com/news/blahblah/article-url-here"
"label": "news/blahblah/article-url-here",
"nb_hits": 10,
"url": "http://mysite.com/news/blahblah/article-url-here"
The problem is: I need “title” and “entry_id” (custom variables) in this report.
Is possible?
Thank you