Migration from WebTrends to Piwik

I have searched on the internet for the information about the migration from WebTrends to Piwik, but cannot find the answers to the following questions:

  1. Are there any tools available that make migration from WebTrends to Piwik easy (like Google2Piwik script)?
  2. Are there many functionalities that WebTrends has and Piwik does not?

Could you help me with these? :wink:

Regarding Google2Piwik tool: unfortunately it is currently not supported anymore. We are planning to officially stop supporting the tool and then create a new much improved Google Analytics data importer.

I created following tickets to make this plan happen sometimes over next few months:

Deprecate Google2Piwik -> Deprecate Google2Piwik 路 Issue #6096 路 matomo-org/matomo 路 GitHub
Create an API to let users import historical report data in Piwik -> Create an API to let users import historical report data in Piwik 路 Issue #6094 路 matomo-org/matomo 路 GitHub
Let users import Google Analytics data in Piwik -> Let users import Google Analytics data in Piwik 路 Issue #6095 路 matomo-org/matomo 路 GitHub

(later we would then be able to write other data importers from other tools or platforms!)

Feel free to comment in any of these tickets.