Migration from Cloud to on-premises

Hey Matomo forum!

I am currently looking for a solution to migrate the tracking data from the cloud version to a new self hosted on-premises installation. My questions remained unanswered by the support so far…

Did anyone of you try this and was successful?

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@Toby I have one question . Can i ask you here ?

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Yes, please ask. Are you in the same situation right now?

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@RonanChardonneau any answer to this question?

This is typically a question for the cloud team, so if i were you i would ping them back.

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@Cloud Is this solvable?

The support answered my question to this topic in the meantime. They can provide and SQL dump of the cloud data. to be imported to the on-prem instance. The dump must be requested from the super admin email account and the requester needs to provide the cloud subdomain, too. My IT team is currently checking the SQL dump, it looks promising.