Member not member // custom variable // how to use


thank you so much for your great blog

I have a question concerning the email-report of custom variables.
I tried to send me the key/value pair but I only get one table (name of my custom variables) in the piwik report.

I really would like to get the content of the variable also in the report and additionally I want to add my members in the structure of the “Besucherüberblick”.


Before I used custom variables, the Members (Benutzer) were always = 0; what’s right, because there was no logged in/yes, no question. But now they are gone in the visitor overview!!
I want to add my custom variable to the visitor overview, like before the MEMBER/Benutzer were.
How do I do that?
Why are my members no gone?!

Why can i NOT use the variable member, even when i am creating a custom varialbe


Name Wert
Eindeutige Besucher 152
Benutzer 0
Besuche 271
Aktionen 3151
Maximale Aktionen pro Besuch 160
Aktionen pro Besuch 11,6
Durchschnittliche Besuchszeit (in Sekunden) 00:28:47
Absprungsrate 32%

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Eindeutige Besucher 218
Besuche 306
Aktionen 3319
Maximale Aktionen pro Besuch 208
Aktionen pro Besuch 10.8
Durchschnittliche Besuchszeit (in Sekunden) 00:22:22
Absprungsrate 29%

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Hello there,

Do you have a script example to reproduce the issue?

and maybe you have a screenshot showing the problem?


this is in my website the code

                    <script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
var pkBaseURL = ((‘https:’== document.location.protocol) ? ‘https://website/’: ‘http://website/’);
$.getScript(pkBaseURL + ‘piwik.js’, function(){
var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + “piwik.php”, 15);
piwikTracker.setCustomVariable(1, “LoggedIn”, “#{loginBean.login}”, “visit”);

and it works in the piwik statistics:
Zeitspanne: 2015, März
Alle Besuche
Benutzerdefinierte Variablen
Name der benutzerdefinierten Variable Aktionen Besuche
LoggedIn 2140 193
LoggedIn - false 1358 129
LoggedIn - true 782 64

But in the e-Mail report, THIS variable is not in the customer overview.
There WAS a variable names MEMBER (which was always 0 because there was no method behind; but NOW this former variable MEMBER is gone my NEW variable LoggedIn is not shown in the statistics… sooo MEMBER are GONE AND my new variable hast’n replaced it… )
and my question is: WHY is the former variable MEMBER gone, when I just ADDED a new variable, which HAS NOTHING TO DO with the piwik variable itself.
and my other question is: WHY is my NEW variable NOT in the customer overview (which is the only place where it would make sense, AS there WAS a variable called MEMBER (which by piwik definition could be used to check, weather a customer is logged in or not…))… and how do I get it there?

well, no one can help?!