Mean generation time parameters?


I looked on the forum, stackoverflow and the net and i did not find an answer.

On which range ot time is the mean generation time computed ?

  • On raw graph, it seems that the mean generation time is computed per day. For each day, the mean generation time is computed on the day duration.

  • On Actions-Pages, it is not so clear, is the last column the generation time since the site creation ?

Is there a way to customize the range or time frame on which the mean generation time is comuted ? For example, to compute the mean generation time on a frame of 10’ : only the last ten minutes are used to compute this generation time.

Thanks for any help,



No one can help me ?

Really no help on this topic ? Even from Matamo team ?

Hi there,

On raw graph, it seems that the mean generation time is computed per day. For each day, the mean generation time is computed on the day duration.

Yes, the average generation time is per day on the graph.

On Actions-Pages, it is not so clear, is the last column the generation time since the site creation ?

The avg generation time is per page, on the date (or date range) that you currently select (just like other metrics apply to the selected date range)

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Hi Matthieu,

A great thanks for your answer.
