Matomo Password Not Accepted – Can't Delete Old Raw Data

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to regularly delete old raw data in Matomo. However, when I attempt to do so, it asks me to enter my password. I use my WordPress password (since Matomo is integrated with my WordPress site), but it says:

“The current password you entered is not correct.”

To troubleshoot, I:

  • Double-checked my password – it’s correct.
  • Changed the password to remove special characters (% &), using only normal letters – still didn’t work.
  • Read online that I might need to change PHP settings. I tried, but it crashed my site, so I don’t want to go down that path again.
  • Contacted Matomo support three days ago – no response yet.

What I Want:

  1. Ideally, I’d like to log in to Matomo and delete my raw data properly.
  2. If that’s not possible, I’d like to remove Matomo completely but first delete all its stored data from my database to avoid clutter.
  3. I know I could use an SQL tool to manually delete data, but I’d rather log in and do it the official way if possible.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any solutions or workarounds?
Thanks in advance for any help!