Matomo Database Schema

Hello everyone!
I am currently using Matomo 3.X version, and I am too upgrade to Matomo 5.X. However, before performing the update I would like to document the databse schema for the log data for both versions:

  • I must document Matomo 3.X because I don’t actually have access to it, but rather to a server which contains the tables, but only a subset of their columns. However, the documentation for this version is not available
  • I am aware that there is documentation for Matomo 5.X available, but it is incomplete, not all of the columns are given, with some being completely omitted even though they exist, and with others being stated in the section corresponding to other tables. Furthermore the datatypes are not provided.
  • The table, site also seems to not be included at all in the documentation

Is there a way to get the actual schemas, or can they be provided?
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Ismael Ahmad

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Hi @iahmad
The site table description is available here:
For the schema, Matomo 3 doesn’t differ much from Matomo 5.
You mentioned missing information; which ones? Except for data types, where you can directly query the database with DESC table_name;