Hello Everybody,
One of my favorite functions of piwik is the auto email function, but for a few months this function doesn’t work anymore. My Piwik version is 1.8.2. I’m running PHP 5.3.10. at the hosting company.
When I go to “Email Reports” and click on “Download” the browser stays loading and nothings happens (HTML and PDF). When I Click on Send Report now: " Loading data… " and nothing happens…
So I’ve copied the mysql db to my computer and try it with MAMP (piwik 1.8.2./php 5.4.4) and here are the same problems. Has anyone ideas, Thanks in advance… Dion
i’ve the same problem. But when I click on “Download” then appears the following message:
There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 1.8.2) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).
Warning: gzcompress() [function.gzcompress]: insufficient memory in /homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 8546
Backtrace -->
#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(…) called at [:]#1 gzcompress(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:8546]#2 TCPDF->_putpages(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:10854]#3 TCPDF->_enddoc(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:3658]#4 TCPDF->Close(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:8102]#5 TCPDF->Output(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:128]#6 Piwik_ReportRenderer_Pdf->sendToBrowserDownload(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/plugins/PDFReports/API.php:468]#7 Piwik_PDFReports_API->generateReport(…) called at [:]#8 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/core/API/Proxy.php:190]#9 Piwik_API_Proxy->call(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/core/API/Request.php:128]#10 Piwik_API_Request->process(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/plugins/API/Controller.php:27]#11 Piwik_API_Controller->index(…) called at [:]#12 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/core/FrontController.php:138]#13 Piwik_FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/index.php:53]
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 22806528) (tried to allocate 355264 bytes) in /homepages/25/d128023372/htdocs/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 9810
I can find only entrys from 2008, On my localhost I have a Memory_limit 128M, this is the minium that Piwik requeres.
Minimum requirements are… well, what a software needs to be running. For all functionalities you sometimes may need more memory - that’s the case with Piwik’s automatic E-mail reports.
As to see in peters.carsten’s Backtrace:
insufficient memory
I suggest to try to increase the memory_limit of the php.ini.
@dw: Nothing I can tell you, as “I click this, but nothing happens” is a phrase noone in the IT-business likes to hear Because that tells us as much as it tells you: Nothing.
So long,