Log file import trouble

Hello all.

I have some question.
I installed fresh Ubuntu 12.04.4 (LTS). Apache 2.2.22, php 5.3.10, mysql-server 5.5.35, piwik 2.1 - all checks passed cleanly. I installed GeoIP as indicated on this page How to - Analytics Platform - Matomo. I copy logs file from my icecast server to piwik server (/opt/logs) and run:
python /var/www/piwik/misc/log-analytics/import_logs.py --url=http://pub1.player-radio.ru /opt/logs/access.log* --idsite=1 --config /var/www/piwik/config/config.ini.php
but i have this errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/var/www/piwik/misc/log-analytics/import_logs.py”, line 1720, in
resolver = config.get_resolver()
File “/var/www/piwik/misc/log-analytics/import_logs.py”, line 621, in get_resolver
return StaticResolver(self.options.site_id)
File “/var/www/piwik/misc/log-analytics/import_logs.py”, line 966, in init
’SitesManager.getSiteFromId’, idSite=self.site_id
File “/var/www/piwik/misc/log-analytics/import_logs.py”, line 948, in call_api
return cls._call_wrapper(cls._call_api, None, None, method, **kwargs)
File “/var/www/piwik/misc/log-analytics/import_logs.py”, line 937, in _call_wrapper
raise Piwik.Error(message)
main.Error: Not Implemented

Piwik already configured and i have site with id 1 - pub1.player-radio.ru

What I’m doing wrong or what went wrong?

Thanks for help advice.

p/s/ sorry for my english.

small supplement
after viewing the logs files on the server icecast I see here is a record that arose immediately after trying to run the script. - - [26/Mar/2014:14:02:50 +0400] “POST / HTTP/1.1” 501 32 “-” “Piwik/LogImport” 0

OOO it`s my mistake

–url=PIWIK URL!!! - in this case must be http://localhost/piwik/