Live visitor page, tooltip under page icons are align to right


I’ve notice the the tooltip content, under page icon in LiveVisitor plugin, are all align to right, for my 2.0.2 install, on Ubuntu and php 5.5

The code to display the image is the following:

When I go on the online demo, the code is somthing like:

Everything comes from the file /var/opt/piwik/plugins/Live/templates/getLastVisitsStart.twig
where the template is indented. And this is reproduced in the HTML code.

I will try to correct on my install, but may be there is something to configure in twig, php or something else.

As someone already seen that ?


If you see different behavior between the demo and your piwik, then upgrade to latest beta (which the demo is using) Index of /

Thanks for the response.

Then I will wait the next release. And I will see the difference like that.

I just take a look at the source code and seend that:
{# white spacing matters as Chrome tooltip display whitespaces #}

Exactly what I saw.

Then I have my answer (tu)