Keep turning back to "welcome" page after "database setup" step


I am reinstalling piwik and i meet a problem that cannot continue after “Databse Setup” section. And it always turning back to the “welcome” page. The version i am installing is 2.8…

And also i find the follow error from log:

[Wed Oct 15 20:25:22 2014] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to private method Piwik\Plugins\Installation\Controller::hasEnoughTablesToReuseDb() from context ‘’ in /var/www/lvunie/public_html/piwik/plugins/Installation/Controller.php on line 202, referer:

can you try again with Piwik 2.8.1-beta? Index of /

if you have the same problem please create an issue on: Issues · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub