I just installed Piwik on a Joomla site (www.velascolawyers.com/).
I made the installation manually, by creating the database using the MySql tool in Cpanel and then by installing Piwik with the standard installer.
I didn’t use the Joomla Piwik component because I feel uneasy about having the analytics data in the same site database.
I installed the Piwik javascript tags in the pages by installing the Joomla plugin that you can find by unzipping the Joomla piwik component.
After few days Google Analytics is tracking less than a hundred visits a day, while Piwik is tracking only one or two visits a day.
I think that the Joomla plugin is installing a different tracking code than the one you can find in the Piwik settings panel.
I integrated the tracking code into the template. The code is appearing rightfully in the source code of the pages. I checked it’s the right code.
Now… I clean the cache of the browser, I visit the website (this several times), I change browser (firefox, safari, chrome…) several times in order to create visits.
It looks like these visits are not appearing in the dashboard (last visits graph).
this is quite interesting. Each visit is properly recorded in the tables (I checked piwik_log_visit), with the right pieces of info.
Somehow this data doesn’t make it to the report.
Hello all!
this is quite embarrassing as the solution was incredibly simple
In reality… I wasn’t looking the proper time/date. Considering that the server is in the US and 90% of the traffic is coming from Europe.
If I take into account the time lag then everything falls in place.