Jqplot and Tooltip Customization

Hello to all,

Would like to make a modification on all Charts managed by Jqplot.

I am spirit to develop a theme ultra complete for Piwik, but I have one concerns on a quite small part:
when we show a graph of statistics, we can show several curves.

When we cross the mouse on these curve, a tooltip displays containing a number and a text corresponding for each of the curves.

I would like that the numbers which are bold, show the same color as the corresponding curve.

But I do not find where and how I could add it. Could use me please?

What i’m talking about: http://analytics.sitatech.net/cs.png

I found: in /plugins/CoreHome/templates/jqplot.js

/** Show the tppltip. The DOM element is created on the fly. */
showTooltip: function(head, text) {
if (jqPlotTooltip === false) {
jqPlotTooltip.html(‘’ + head + ‘
’ + text);

Thus not being an expert in Javascript, I ask have it of somebody to be able to integrate a class for each of the statistics added to add the color identical to that of the corresponding curve.

Thank You
Best Regards

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je suis actuellement entrain de travailler sur un nouveau thème très complet. Seulement j’ai un petit problème avec la modification du contenu des Tooltips générés par Jqplot .

La class Css permet de changer le contenant ainsi que le style du titre (la date), mais pas le contenu, du moins, pas de façon séparé.
En fait, je souhaiterais faire en sorte que chaque pourcentage affiché dans ce Tooltip, soit de la même couleur que celle de la courbe correspondante. Cela permettrai une lecture bien plus clair de toutes les courbes !

Pour cela, i faudrait modifier le javascript qui gère la création de ce Tolltip (voir code mit en quote ci dessus) et donc, ajouter une classe pour chacune des courbes ajoutés, récupérant la couleur de la courbe ajoutée.

→ la courbe est magenta, le pourcentage correspondant est MAGENTA
→ la courbe est verte, le pourcentage correspondant est VERT …

Si vous pouvez me filer un pti coup de main svp… Merci à vous :slight_smile:

Hi Edouard, we really appreciate your will to work on a custom theme. We will however soon switch a different template engine (Smarty -> Twig) to make this even easier. After this we will have support for theming and it would be great to see what you come up with.

Regarding your request - this might be something we can do for Piwik 2.0 to ensure theming will be as easy as possible.

Hi Fabian, thanks for your fast reply :slight_smile:

For when is planned the new version of the theme as well as the V2? Is there any beta release there on which I can move forward my modifications?

Thank you
Best regards

We will start working on the template engine migration in April and will at some point be visible on Github. There is no beta yet and 2.0 will probably arrive in Q3 2013.

Feel free to change the current theme though - just be careful with updates as they might override your changes!

All right, thank you Fabian.

I am thus going to continue my modifications on the current version, the weft will so be made to integrate it easily into the next version.
I shall follow the evolution of the changes on Git then :wink:

thank you for your answers
Best Regards