Hello Everyone,
It might be a simple issue that Im facing, but couldnt figure out the reason for the issue.
Im new to Piwik and Im have installed version 2.11.2.
Piwik is installed in the webserver itself and the tracking is happening with any problem.
The server time and mysql time is set to IST (GMT+5:30)
The dashboard shows users real time. I tested by logging in to the site and count comes perfect.
The problem is in the entry of this visit in the database (piwik_log_visit and piwik_log_action). The visit_first_action_time and visit_last_action_time is showing in GMT+0:00 timezone. The userlocaltime entry in log_visit is showing the IST. How can I fix the issue?
Solution Tried:
Somewhere I read that php.ini time should be set to Asia/Kolkata. Have tried that as well. But its not helping.
Really need help with this, as we use this table entried to do other analytics.
Looking for help from community…