[INVALID] could piwik.js be compressed with shrinksafe by default? Please :-)


Piwik is great!

I just compressed piwik.js using shrinksafe and it turns the original size of 32,768 bytes (using version 0.5.1) into only 9,525 bytes and everything still works great (of course :wink:

To get info about shrinksafe (free to use) see website: shrinksafe.dojotoolkit.org

My suggestion is to compress piwik.js in the release version of Piwik so everybody will benefit of the smaller size and because it is extremely easy to do :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work!


piwik.js has been yui-compressed since 0.4. It’s currently 8.1K … which appears better than dojo shrinksafe.