i am new piwik user.
my event log :
Aug 31 23:59:59 tt-srv-name www.tt.com: - - [31/Aug/2014:23:59:59 +0200] “GET /index.php HTTP/1.0” 200 3838 “Service | Tiroler Tageszeitung Online - Nachrichten von jetzt!” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0” 365020 www.tt.com
my regex:
.* ([0-9.]+) ([\w. -]+) ([.+]) ("(GET|POST) /.* HTTP/1.(0|1)") ([0-9]{3}) ([0-9]+) (".") (".") [0-9]+.*
"(?P\S+) \S+ \S+ [(?P.?) (?P.?)] “\S+ (?P.*?) \S+” (?P\S+) (?P\S+) (?P<generation_time_micro>\S+)"
when i try import the event log with regex and “–log-format-regex” parameter, the result is
1 requests ignored: 1 invalid log lines
can you help me or give me a link to a tutorial.
(and i am not one expert of regex)
thank you