Import Log Issues


I import IIS logs every day. The logs are of the previous day, but after the import it always shows some data of the current day on the dashboard. I have checked the log files and there is not data for the crrent day. Why is this happening.

The command i use is (it is a cron job):

#import logs 
python /var/www/html/misc/log-analytics/ --login=admin --password=password --idsite=1 --recorders=6 --debug --output=/var/log/piwik/piwik_import.log --url=http://devpiwik/ /media/logfileshare/somefile.log 

and immediately after the import has completed the cron job also runs the archiving:

su root -c "/usr/bin/php5 /var/www/html/console core:archive --url=http://devpiwik/ > /var/log/piwik/piwik-archive.log"

The above runs everyday at 4am

and its the previous days log file

also the archiving setting on the site is :

check attachment for the screenshot

[attachment 2368 piwik1.JPG]

Am i doing something wrong. please help to troubelshoot why i get todays data in dashboard when the log file does not contain any current data.


Just an update …

to me it seems its putting the wrong dates in the report.

Sundays reports appear on Modays dates and Mondays reports appear on Tuesdays…

why is this happening ??

Hi there,

Did you set the correct timezone in your Website in Piwik?

yes the correct time zone is set…

as i meantioned earlier i import yesterdays logs in the morning…eg

the logs for 12/08/2015 will be imported on 13/08/2015 at 4 am in the morning and this puts all those logs on the 13th instead of 12th