I'm not sure if I should use Piwik for my site... can anyone advise?

this is our situation :

  • I have a site where visitors can browse approx. 10.000 articles of approx. 25 journals.
  • an article URL is (more or less) of this form : article.php?article_id=123456789&journal_id=ABCD so both the journal and the article are passed for identification
  • visitors are either registered or not. This is NOT through a login procedure, but rather IP-address based. IP addresses will determine the registered-institution
  • if from a registered institution, users can download article contents. If not registered, they can only see abstracts
  • registration is on a journal_basis (so a visitor from ip-addres x.y.z.q might have access to PDF content of journal ABC, but only abstracts of journal XYZ)
  • users can download articles through payment if they are not from a registered institution (determined by ip). In that case, a pay-per-view service is handling this, and pings back to a fixed URL payment_completed.php?article_id=123456&journal_id=ABCD so I can identify valid purchases here

this is what we want to track :

  • statistics on the article-abstracts that were viewed
  • statistics on the article-PDFs that were viewed (only registered institutions)
  • statistics on the journals that were viewed
  • statistics on the journals that were viewed, filtered by institution (so that we can generate reports for ONE institution)
  • statistics on the institutions that visited the website, filtered by journal (so that we can generate reports for ONE journal)
  • statistics on the pay-per-view, with details on which articles

now the important thing is : we want reports FILTERED PER INSTITUTION, and FILTERED BY JOURNAL. So we will have institutions asking us “hey, can you send us the report for the past 3 months of our visits”, and we will have journal-editors asking us “hey, can you sent the report for the past 3 months of our visitors ?”. I really really really really want to automate this, and journals/institutions are NOT allowed to create the filters themselves… I don’t mind clicking a few times per report, but not 25 steps through the interface for each report…

this is how I THINK i should implemented it :

  • add tracking code to articles.php to report the number of articles that were viewed
  • add tracking code to download.php to report the number of pdfs that were download
  • add tracking code to payment_completed.php report the number of completed purchases
  • on all three, add a custom page variable for the journal_id
  • on all three, add a custom page variable for the article_id
  • on all three, add a custom page variable for the institution_id, if the visitor is from a registered ip-range (-1 if NOT registered)

is this correct ? Or should I use session custom variables rather than page variables ?

many thanks for any advice !

Use custom variables http://piwik.org/docs/custom-variables/
Along with segmentation: https://piwik.org/docs/analytics-api/segmentation/
(segmentation will be available in the UI in a later version)

is this correct ? Or should I use session custom variables rather than page variables ?
I haven’t brainstormed too much about it but it looks like you will do the right thing!

thank you very much for your reply !!

does Piwik support FAST reporting for this kind of thing ? Or will I have to make reports for 100+ institutions manually ? Is there a way to generate a report for each journal and instituion PROGRAMMATICALLY ?

thanks !

You can set the list of “Segment” to pre-process during the archive.php execution: How to Set up Auto-Archiving of Your Reports - Analytics Platform - Matomo

List of segment to pre-process is set in config/config.ini.php file: http://dev.piwik.org/trac/browser/trunk/config/global.ini.php#L358

Happy New Year! If you are still using Piwik and interested in the awesome new feature of “Creating a Custom Segment in Piwik and apply to reports in Real time!” we need YOUR help, with a little or big donation at: http://crowdfunding.piwik.org/custom-segments-editor/

This will allow to dynamically add or edit, a new set of rules for example “Show all visitors from USA and using Firefox and using Google”. This will be done via a simple to use interface. See screenshots and more info here: http://crowdfunding.piwik.org/custom-segments-editor/

We are crowd funding the future of Piwik and this feature in particular. With your help we can do it.

